All content on this site, Magical Movement Company, including photos, is protected under copyright by
Carolyn Lucento.
You may not reproduce images or written copy from this site without my express permission.
You may however, link directly to this site if you are publishing information regarding my Products, Services, Training Courses or Blog Articles.
Magical Movement Company is owned and operated by Carolyn Lucento. You may contact me at this email: carolyn@magicalmovementcompany.com.
I honor and pledge to protect your internet privacy.
At Magical Movement Company, I work diligently to comply with the internet privacy laws of California, the U.S., U.K., and other regions of the world. This statement is a disclosure of how this website, Magical Movement Company, may collect and handle your personal information.
Information you share voluntarily
We receive, collect and store information you enter on this website, such as your name and email address when requesting to be placed on our waiting list for future training eCourses or when you sign up for my email newsletter. If you choose to subscribe ("opt-in") to my email newsletter list, your name and email address are stored on my email platform, here at the Wix Platform, a worldwide platform that is GDPR compliant. You may unsubscribe ("opt-out") of my email list at anytime by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email that is mailed out from Magical Movement Company.
We do not ever share your information.
Google Analytics
In addition, we use software tools such as Google Analytics to track the activity of visitors to this site, in order to help us create a meaningful experience for visitors, like you. Collecting & analyzing that information is part of standard practices for website owners throughout the world. This includes measuring and collecting your IP (Internet Protocol) address that connects your computer to the Internet. Google Analytics tracks the number of visitors to this website, as well as where visitors found out about this site (ex: social media or google search) and how visitors explore this site.
None of this information collected by Google Analytics identifies your personal information.
Affiliate links
When you click on a link at this website, including my Blog, I may receive a small monetary compensation. I no longer maintain an affiliate account with Amazon. I prefer to promote products from small businesses. I do maintain affiliate accounts with certain Etsy shops, Music suppliers, Montessori suppliers, as well as fellow Blogger's products that I have personally used and choose to promote.
Currently, I do not process payments directly through this site.
That means this site does not store your credit card information.
My eCourses are administered on the "Teachable" platform.
My digital products are sold at the "Teachers pay Teachers" on-line store.
Payments for enrollment and purchases are processed through the Credit Card and PayPal servers at the above mentioned Teachable and TpT Sites.
Registration for my Annual AMS Music Workshop is processed by Fountainhead Montessori Adult Education.